@misc{Biliszczuk_Jan_Reologiczna_1977, author={Biliszczuk, Jan}, contributor={Kmita, Jan. Promotor}, year={1977}, rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)}, publisher={Politechnika Wrocławska}, language={pol}, abstract={The subject of the book is the formation of the stress state in heterogeneous concrete structures, related to rheological phenomena arising in this structures. As heterogeneous the reinforced concrete structures, the prestressed structures and the composite structures are considered. The work aims at precising the theoretical description of the rheological redistribution of the stress state in heterogeneous isostatical concrete structures in uncracked state. Precise theoretical conception of rheological processes in the considered structures is possible only when the physical and mechanical properties of component materials are sufficiently well known. Author proposes a non-linear rheological equation of state for concrete based on the experimental results relative to deformability of concrete in various environmental and load conditions. In this concept it is assumed that concrete is a elastic-plastic viscous body.}, title={Reologiczna redystrybucja stanu naprężeń w niejednorodnych konstrukcjach betonowych}, type={rozprawa doktorska}, keywords={niejednorodne konstrukcje betonowe, dźwigary zespolone, reologia, badania, obciążenia zmienne, konstrukcje niejednorodne, beton}, }