@misc{_Journal_2010, contributor={Wójs, Kazimierz. Redakcja}, year={2010}, rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)}, description={Journal of Energy Science is an inter-disciplinary journal published quarterly, devoted to the mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical and electronic isues of machines, systems and processes related to the various aspects of energy. It serves as a platform for the accumulation and dissemination of pure and applied knowledge arising from theoretical analysis, experiments, and practical experience. Clean coal energy is a leading problem covered by the journal. Contributions on fundamental issues, modeling of particular power processes, technical and environmental aspects of coal, nuclear, renewable and other hypothetical energy sources, generation of electric power, and heat transmission, are solicited. The journal is advised by an international board of editors and a pool of highly qualified reviewers}, publisher={Wrocław University of Technology Department of Periodics Publications}, language={eng}, title={Journal of Energy Science. Vol. 1, 2010, nr 1}, type={czasopismo}, keywords={energetyka}, }