@misc{Lee_Jeonghoon_Effect_2011, author={Lee, Jeonghoon}, contributor={Gaj, Miron. Redakcja and Urbańczyk, Wacław. Redakcja}, year={2011}, rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)}, description={Optica Applicata, Vol. 41, 2011, Nr 3, s. 519-525}, publisher={Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej}, language={eng}, abstract={We suggest that the structure factor could be a source of uncertainty when the number concentration of non-absorbing aggregate particles is experimentally determined from Rayleigh–Debye–Gans (RDG) scattering theory. Different characteristics of various structure factors have been examined as a function of qRg. We present deviation of various structure factors from the exponential structure factor. Number concentrations estimated from various structure factors differ in the range of 1.0 < qRg < 10 where most of flame-synthesized non-absorbing particles are present as aggregates. We compare aggregate number concentrations of silica particles determined using various structure factors.}, title={Effect of structure factor on aggregate number concentration estimated using Rayleigh–Debye–Gans scattering theory}, type={artykuł}, keywords={optyka, Rayleigh–Debye–Gans (RDG) scattering, aggregate particles, non-absorbing particles}, }