@misc{Kowalczyk_Paweł_Exotic_2006, author={Kowalczyk, Paweł and Jastrzębski, Włodzimierz and Pashov, Asen}, contributor={Gaj, Miron. Redakcja and Wilk, Ireneusz. Redakcja}, year={2006}, rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)}, description={Optica Applicata, Vol. 36, 2006, nr 4, s. 511-522}, publisher={Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej}, language={eng}, abstract={Various methods for representation of electronic states in diatomic molecules basing on experimental spectroscopic data are critically compared. The technique of pointwise inverted perturbation approach (IPA) is indicated as the most suitable in case of states characterized by potential energy curves substantially different from the Morse potential. Recent developments of this technique are presented.}, title={Exotic states of diatomic molecules and methods of their description}, type={artykuł}, keywords={optyka, diatomic molecules, potential energy curves, inverted perturbation approach, molecular spectra}, }