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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Latvia] OR [Subject and Keywords = social policy] OR [Subject and Keywords = socio\-economic indicators] OR [Subject and Keywords = human resources] OR [Subject and Keywords = European economic integration] OR [Subject and Keywords = Łotwa] OR [Subject and Keywords = polityka społeczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = wskaźniki społeczno\-ekonomiczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = zasoby ludzkie] OR [Subject and Keywords = europejska integracja gospodarcza] OR [Title = The impact of socio\-economic policy of Latvia on the preservation of human resources in the context of European integration] OR [Creator = Tsaurkubule, Zhanna]

Number of results: 294

Items per page:

Przysada-Sukiennik, Paula Kuźmińska-Haberla, Aleksandra. Redakcja Bobowski, Sebastian. Redakcja


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